Little steps = big changes. A thought about resolutions.
Welp. It’s almost 2024. How did that happen? It’s not a lie that time goes faster as you age. You blink and your kids are out of diapers and your joints are aching. Your once new home needs a new roof and the car needs another oil change. On the bright side, you can leave your kids home to run an errand and you are able to carve out some time for self-care. The good comes with the bad.
The new year is a natural time of reflection and reinvention. Resolutions have been the yearly topic every December and January for centuries I’m sure. And every year many of us roll our eyes because as hard as we try - have we ever hit all our resolutions with full tenacity all year long? Do they all get checked off before the following December comes along while we prepare for a new round of eager achieving?? Usually not. Now I don’t mean to be a negative Nancy, but in reality, this time of year is full of hope and joy and by the end of January, some of that has worn off. Naturally. We are human and live on the rollercoaster of life. Maybe we can change this perspective a tad and think about our resolutions in a new way.
I’d love for my resolutions next year to be not only something that I’m passionate about all year long, but also able to celebrate the milestones along the way. When I work with clients on decluttering, organizing and time management, we look at spaces (or time) as a whole and then break them down into smaller, more manageable pieces. Instead of feeling overwhelmed with a giant kitchen, we break it down into zones. Focus on the food/pantry and ignore the pots and pans. Then do the pots and pans and ignore the cluttered silverware drawer. When it comes to time - you can think about your day in the same way. You are overwhelmed with meals. Instead of thinking about breakfast, lunch and dinner 7 days a week, pick one step and focus on that. Focus on the meal that is causing the most stress. Work on all aspects of that particular meal that are hindering you until you feel you’ve got it down before moving onto the next. It might take a week or a few months, but once you get there, you will have the confidence to tackle the next one.
Taking these same strategies into the resolution realm can make them feel more attainable. You want to buy your first home. Instead of that giant item on your list that feels so BIG and so HARD, try adding some smaller items that will propel you in the right direction. This might mean opening a new bank account and setting up an automatic transfer from each paycheck. It might mean canceling cable since you only watch Netflix anyway. You can make sure your credit score is in good standing and pay a little extra each month on that car payment. While these small things don’t necessarily feel like resolution material, they will indeed bring you closer to your big goal. Check them off with pride.
Write these small tasks down because having them on paper or saved digitally somewhere, you are more apt to not only remember them but achieve them. I’m loving Evernote lately. It automatically opens when I start up my computer and its on my phone as well. I have lists and notes in there that sync so whenever I have an idea or am able to check off a task, it’s easily accessible. Another way to keep yourself on track with these goals would be to add them to your Monthly Reset. You can sign up for my newsletter here and get a free download of the checklist that you can customize yourself! Check in with yourself each month to see how you are doing. Or just have “make extra car payment” on the list and check that sucker off each month. When the car is paid off, add the next small task and go on from there.
In addition to checking in with yourself regularly - find a friend or someone you trust to keep you accountable. Simply telling someone your goals can make them more real and make you feel more invested in reaching them. With my new business, I have found other women starting similar businesses that have motivated me significantly. Telling my friends and family about my goals for 2024 have lit a fire in me I never knew I had. You have that in you too.
The hardest part is starting, so pick a day and make a plan and do it. That one little thing that will lead to the next little thing that will end up being a really BIG thing. Let’s make 2024 the best year yet!! Also - if you are looking for help reaching any of your home organization or time management goals - I’d be honored to be a part of your journey!