Clutter Creep - The Silent Killer to your Decluttering Success

Clutter Creep - The Silent Killer to your Decluttering Success

You’ve spent hours upon hours working on decluttering and organizing your home, yet it never feels done. What gives? When it comes down to it, the fact is that as much as you can put effort into getting things OUT of your home, you can’t completely prevent things from coming IN.

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You Have 5 Minutes
Prepare, Planning, Downsizing Amie Davis Prepare, Planning, Downsizing Amie Davis

You Have 5 Minutes

Picture this: you wake up to an emergency evacuation being called for your neighborhood due to a wildfire inching it’s way toward your house (or any natural disaster). You have 5 minutes to gather your belongings and leave. You may or may not have a home to return to. Aside from the obvious - people and pets - what would you bring and why? Do you know where these items are in your home? Try it out now - set a timer for 5 minutes (don’t cheat!) and gather what you can remember off the top of your head. Did you miss anything?

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Why I Love the Dump

Why I Love the Dump

So why? Why would a person enjoy a place where things go to die? While I do not love the idea that we as a species are filling these sites with items that could otherwise be reused, recycled or repurposed, I do find beauty in the act of letting go. Being able to appreciate what we have and know when we are no longer in need of something is a great place to start when trying to take control of our home. Just because you have something doesn’t mean it’s valuable or useful to you anymore. Our things don’t define us.

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