Clutter Creep - The Silent Killer to your Decluttering Success

Clutter Creep - The Silent Killer to your Decluttering Success

You’ve spent hours upon hours working on decluttering and organizing your home, yet it never feels done. What gives? When it comes down to it, the fact is that as much as you can put effort into getting things OUT of your home, you can’t completely prevent things from coming IN.

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5 Ways to Combat Task Paralysis

5 Ways to Combat Task Paralysis

Your family just left the house and you have an entire 3 hours to yourself at home on a Saturday afternoon. Ahhhh the things you can accomplish! You can rest! You can cross some things off that never ending to-do list! You can maybe even nap!! You have been looking forward to this window ever since the last time it happened 6 months ago. But as soon as that door closes and the house is quiet, that brain that has been so looking forward to getting! things! done! is stuck and that clock keeps ticking while you scramble to figure out how to move forward. It’s like you have 2 flat tires at the bottom of your legs.

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4 Things I’m saying YES to for the Rest of 2024

4 Things I’m saying YES to for the Rest of 2024

I recently listened to some very old episodes of a podcast highlighting the host’s YES list and NO list and I thought it would be fun to do my own spin on it. While in the world of decluttering and organizing, it feels like we are saying “no” to a lot of things, I wanted to start with my YES list because there are still a lot of things to say “yes” to!

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The Power of a Brain Dump

The Power of a Brain Dump

I don’t know about you, but my brain is all over the place lately thinking about squeezing all we can into the last few weeks we have left of summer break, back to school, work, travel plans, and more. If your brain feels like that cluttered basement of yours, it might be time for a brain dump.

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Back to School

Back to School

With August just around the corner, Back to School isn’t far behind. If you have school-aged children, you most likely have already started thinking about it. Fretting about it even. Let’s not fret! With just a little time planning, we can turn back to school into the easy peasy transition it should be.

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The End of School Pile

The End of School Pile

If you have school-aged children, you know about the dreaded pile of schoolwork that comes home that last week of school. The actual amount varies from year to year, usually a lot less as the child gets older, but it’s inevitable and bound to be on the receiving end of your side-eye as you put off tackling it for “a better time”.

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10 Ways to Save your Summer

10 Ways to Save your Summer

With school break just days ahead for us here in northwestern Vermont, it’s time to share some life-saving tips that I turn to year in and year out. From the most simple to some that require a little planning, I hope to help ease a little of the craziness so you can lean into the fun of a summer with those you love the most.

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Why I Love the Dump

Why I Love the Dump

So why? Why would a person enjoy a place where things go to die? While I do not love the idea that we as a species are filling these sites with items that could otherwise be reused, recycled or repurposed, I do find beauty in the act of letting go. Being able to appreciate what we have and know when we are no longer in need of something is a great place to start when trying to take control of our home. Just because you have something doesn’t mean it’s valuable or useful to you anymore. Our things don’t define us.

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Teaching Kids the Art of Organizing
Children, Declutter, Home, Goals, Clutter, Routines, Toys Amie Davis Children, Declutter, Home, Goals, Clutter, Routines, Toys Amie Davis

Teaching Kids the Art of Organizing

Before you assume that my kids’ rooms are perfectly organized, let me just say - they are definitely not! Our kids have a much higher threshold for disarray than my husband and I do, and we try our best to work with that. Just because it is what I do doesn’t mean that it translates into my entire life. If only, right? I try to let their rooms be theirs. That being said, being able to declutter and organize is a life skill that they will take with them as they grow up and live outside of this house. So how can we as parents guide, encourage, and teach our kids how to take it in their own hands and live in a space that they are proud of?

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5 Ways to Make Spring Cleaning More Bearable

5 Ways to Make Spring Cleaning More Bearable

I know. It’s probably not the highlight of the season for most people. Not even on the top 3 list of what you are looking forward to - but also, it is what we make of it, right? Right. Spring cleaning can suck or it can be a way to refresh (reinvent?) your home for the new season. I choose to embrace it and if you do too, read on for some tips on how to make it more fun and productive!

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Making sense of it all

Making sense of it all

ADHD is Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. Symptoms might include: a hard time keeping track of things (keys for example), not being able to focus on jobs, activities, conversations, and tasks for extended periods of time, talking too much, not being able to settle down/sit still, fidgeting, difficulty waiting, and more. As you can imagine, these symptoms often result in a disorganized mind which can lead to a disorganized home.

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