10 Ways to Save your Summer

With school break just days ahead for us here in northwestern Vermont, it’s time to share some life-saving tips that I turn to year in and year out. From the most simple to some that require a little planning, I hope to help ease a little of the craziness so you can lean into the fun of a summer with those you love the most.

Go Bags

There is nothing more frustrating than trying to get out the door with your hands full, a last minute lost shoe, someone needing to poop, and a list of things you just can’t forget. What I call “go bags” can be a great solution to help curb the hair pulling that inevitably comes on a busy summer day. Go bags are simply necessary items pre-packed for your most common summer adventures. Let’s use swim team as an example. My four kiddos are all doing swim team this summer. They will all have their bags ready to go each day with their towel, goggles, snacks, and sunscreen. Every night we make sure they are ready to go in the morning. Road trip bags can be packed ahead and include snacks, car games, extra bathing suits, and water shoes. Wherever your summer may take you, consider putting together a bag or two so you can focus on the fun and not the annoyance of having to figure it all out. The key with go bags is to make sure you repack them when you get home so they are ready for the next adventure!

Summer Snacks

When you live in Vermont like we do, you take in every second of summer. Our ice cream stands aren’t even open in the winter, so from the end of May through September, creemees (soft serve, but better), popsicles, and watermelon are almost always a yes for us.

Create a Routine

The freeform life that is summer can work for many people, however in my family, some sort of routine helps keep things just predictable enough to feel…safe. Mornings at the pool are usually followed by quiet time at home with books and lunch, and then some sort of adventure in the afternoon. I’m not suggesting a schedule, but kids (and adults) like to know what is coming next and having a loose routine can help considerably. Even looking at the week and designating Water Wednesday or Splash Pad Saturday could be just special enough to get everyone looking forward to the next fun thing.

Make a Summer Bucket List

Without fail, my kids ask for the summer bucket list each spring. We usually write it during dinnertime and all ideas are good ideas. Things as simple as exploring new parks to something that needs more planning like visiting a theme park all make it on the list. When a free day comes up with no plans, the list is the first thing we reference! What would be at the top of your summer bucket list?

Create Space

I work hard at this every year, and it’s easier said than done, but creating some empty space is important for everyone. Days with no plans, mornings sleeping in, late nights at the neighbor’s bonfire all can happen when you don’t pack the schedule too tight.

Embrace Traditions

Is there something you do every summer that your family looks forward to? We visit a Six Flags every summer and it is something the kids talk about all year long. For your family it might be a yearly vacation to Maine, or a family board game day. Whatever your family chooses, know that they will be cherished for years to come. The simpler the better.


Again - easier said than done, but hear me out. How easily can our default response to something unplanned be a “no”? I catch myself frequently asking “why”? This happened recently on a Sunday evening. We had no plans (shocking!) and my kids asked to go bowling. I immediately said no. It was a school night. I was tired. We needed to eat dinner. But guess what? My kids asked me why and while the excuses that were going through my head were valid - nothing like that Sunday night energy haha - I decided none of them really couldn’t be managed with a few tweaks. So I changed my mind and we went bowling. And we had the BEST time. I instantly became a fun mom, and dang it, I felt so good not being a downer. It doesn’t always work, but try giving yourself a moment to pause before you answer. You just might surprise yourself.

Water does Wonders

Kids grouchy? Take them to the beach. Kids dirty? Put them in the shower. Kids bored? Pool time. There is something about water that makes it a great reset when things start to feel like they are going off the rails. Try it.

Get Dirty

There is nothing that makes me happier than my kids being dirty. That sounds ridiculous but seriously - dirty kids means they were playing in the dirt having fun. You don’t get dirty playing on the PS5, but that sandbox? Pouring the sand out of their shoes is the sign of time well spent. Mudbaths, here we come.

Stay up Late (at least once)

Fireflies, stars, and the stillness of night are good for the soul, no matter what age you are. As my children get older, it’s easier to do this, but even when they were little, a night or two out late felt sooooo special. Make it even more fun and set a tent up in your backyard!

There you have it. Ten ways to save your summer. Which one(s) do you already do? Was there anything new that sounded fun to try? Anything you’d like to add?Wherever your summer takes you, enjoy every moment. Those dishes will be there when you get back.

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